Our Location

Black Rock, St. Michael

(246) 243-8512

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for next semester

We develop the musical abilities of students of all ages in an environment that fosters Christian principles.


Our COurses

Registration fee $30

Term Commences Monday 24th February 2025.

Notes of Praise - Price List
Music Courses - Group lessons
Bass Guitar $345 1 10
Clarinet $345 1 10
CVQ in Musical Performance $180 1.5 Monthly
CXC Music $180 1.5 Monthly
Drums $345 1 10
Flute $345 1 10
Keyboards Children/Adults $345 1 10
Kids Drums - Ages 3-5 years $240 30 mins 10
Kids Music - Ages 3-5 years $240 30 mins 10
Music Theory - Grades 1-3 $300 1 10
Music Theory - Grades 4-5 $330 1 10
Music Theory - Grades 6-8 $380 1 10
Rhythm Guitar $345 1 10
Saxophone $345 1 10
Steel Pan $345 1 10
Trumpet $345 1 10
Vocals $345 1 10
Classical Ensemble $345 1 10
Contact us for private & semi-private lessons
Technical & Ministry Courses - February 2025
Basic Church Live Streaming Part 1 $180 2 3
Basic Video Editing $180 1.5 4
Live sound engineering - Part 1 $345 2 8
Fundamentals of Studio Production $345 2 8
Technical & Ministry Courses - To be confirmed
Basic Church Live Streaming Part 2 $180 1 6
Basic Church Multimedia $240 1.5 6
Basic Video Recording $140 1 4
Church Administration & Management in a Digital World $180 1 6
Introduction to Zoom $180 1 6
Photography as a Ministry $180 1 6
Sound Engineering Part 2 $345 2 8
Technology & Small Groups $180 1 6
Contact information 243-8512, notesofpraise@caribsurf.com, notesofpraise.com

Promotional video

Level up Concert

Click here to watch our virtual concert now!


Donations are welcome and may be sent to our bank account, details below:

Electronic Banking Instructions
Customer: Notes of Praise Inc.
Bank: Scotiabank – Warrens
Branch code: 36285 (Transit #)
Account #: 100516021
Type: Chequing

Who we are

Drums Keyboards Vocals

about our school

Notes of Praise is a Christian music school registered with the Barbados Accreditation Council, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth as a Cultural Practitioner and the TVET Council as an N/CVQ Centre. Notes of Praise is the first Barbadian institution to be approved to offer the CVQ in Musical Performance Level 2.


To be a world class musical education and technological facility, uplifting the standard of music in the Caribbean to the level to where our talents are portrayed worldwide.


Makayla Gittens
9 years old Keyboard student
“I love Notes of Praise because the teachers are very friendly and they teach you well. I would recommend to anyone who loves or wants to learn to play music to come and learn with Notes Of Praise.”
Elsworth Young
Over 70 Keyboard Student
“As a very mature student, I thoroughly enjoy the tutoring at “Notes of Praise”, which is very informative from a musical perspective and delivered in a relaxed and delightful manner that readily stimulates understanding of basic music theory and practical aspects of piano music. I highly recommend “Notes of Praise” as a place for musical education.”
Shawn Griffith
Over 40 Guitar Student
“I always had a liking for the guitar, and as I got into the 40’s I thought it was too late, but my family; who are also students at the Notes of Praise Music School bought me a guitar for Christmas three years ago and enrolled me for classes and now I am playing at my church and even playing at the annual showcase.”  

“I would recommend Notes of Praise to anyone whether young or old.”
Kaelan Balckman
13 years old Drums & Bass Guitar Student
“When I was 2 and a half years old my parents signed me up for drumming lessons at Notes of Praise. I am still very passionate about music. Notes of Praise is a very good place for your child to go if he wants to be a musician. My tutor is very patient and is always willing to go the extra mile to assist me. Learning to play drums at Notes of Praise has helped with my confidence onstage and off stage and has also allowed me to interact with musicians at all levels, to the point where I took up another musical instrument which is bass guitar.”
Kareen Boyce
Parent of steel pan and keyboard students Allyssa and Kaianna Boyce
“I chose Notes of Praise for the Christian environment, knowledgeable & qualified teachers & of course their excellent, professional service towards students & parents.”

Our Tutors


Founder & Managing Director


Rhythm & Bass Guitar


Drums, Kids Drums & Kids Music


CXC Music & Keyboard


Vocal Training


Keyboard & Music Theory


Keyboard & Flute

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